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The Wickenburg Art Center and Gallery

Where Creativity Happens


The Wickenburg Art Center is located just 2 blocks south of the downtown traffic signal at:
188 S Tegner
Wickenburg AZ 85390

Gallery and Open Studio Hours

Tuesday through Friday 9AM to 2PM
Saturday 10AM to 4PM

Sunday and Monday. CLOSED





Gallery Shows using photo selection for entry into the show: 

Upcoming Exhibits

For Details and Entry Form for  the West of Center Show:

West of Center Exhibit

Jurying information for INFERNO

Submissions Accepted May 1- May 18, 2024

Inferno Show Prospectus

After carefully reading requirements, enter your jury photos here:

Inferno Exhibit Jury Entry Form

Wickenburg Art Center & Gallery

“Inferno” Show Dates

July 2tnd - August 24th


This juried show is open to all members in all mediums

Show Theme: Heat and Intensity.

The artwork featured in “Inferno” spans a range of mediums, styles, and interpreta:ons. From scorching abstract pain:ngs that evoke the searing heat of the underworld to ceramics that capture the essence of eternal flames, each piece offers a unique perspec:ve on the theme of Heat and Intensity.

Artwork Requirements:

This show is about displaying new and fresh work expressing the theme Heat & Intensity. The artwork has preferably been created within the last two years and has not been displayed in any previous WAC Gallery Shows. 2D works must be ready to hang in frames that are in good condi:on (no saw-tooth hangers). Gallery wrapped canvases with no visible staples and finished (painted) edges are allowed. Photography printed on Metal, Acrylic or Wood with an attached hanger that is compatble with WAC’s hanging system is also allowed.

2 D Maximum size: 36 in. on the long side, Framed.

  • By the act of submittng artwork for inclusion in any Wickenburg Art Center and Gallery sponsored show or event, the Artist guarantees that ALL aspects of his/her work belong to himself/herself, that the artwork is his/her ORIGINAL WORK and that he/she agrees to having represented it as such to both the Wickenburg Art Center and Gallery and the Public. In the event of a dispute of copyright or any legal proceedings that may occur due to plagiarism and/or infringement, the Artst will be held personally liable, and the Wickenburg Art Center and Gallery and its representatives will be held harmless.

Entry Instructions:

Artists can enter their works by going to the WAC website, clicking on “Jurying” and following the prompts. All images must be clear and cropped. Artwork should be photographed in proper lighting, and without glass, frames or mats showing or distrac:ng backgrounds. Assistance with photography, cropping and submission will be available, and times/dates, (TBD), will be listed on the WAC website


. Images dimensions: 1400 pixels on the longest side recommended.  File format: JPEG, jpg, png File Size: under 5 MB. Please submit one clear image that best represents your artwork for 2D works and several for 3D works in order to show all sides.


Your online submissions must include a title for each submission and framed dimensions for 2D or it will not be accepted. Title cannot be changed once it is submitted

• When entering more than one photo of a 3D subject please keep the Title name the same but add numbers 1,2,3. Title1.   Title.2. Title3

• Please follow the online jurying instructions on the WAC website for naming your files. If your file is not named correctly, it will be rejected.



Jury submissions will open on May 1st. The deadline for entry is May 18th at midnight and ar:sts will be no:fied of acceptance by May 25th. The non-refundable Jury fee is $ 20 and covers up to a maximum of 3 works for consideration

Delivery and Pick Up:

• Artwork must be delivered on Tuesday June 26th from 9 AM – 11:30 AM

• Pick up for unsold work will be on Tuesday August 27th 9 AM – 2:00 PM

o IIf you are unable to meet the drop off/ pick up times, please make other arrangements with the Show Chair. If artwork is delivered outside of the datestimes listed without an arrangement with the Show Chair the piece will be rejected.

The Gallery Show:

• The Show will be open to the public during Gallery Hours.

• There will not be an artist reception for this show but WAC will be open during the West of Center Reception where people will be invited to go to WAC to see the show.

  • If your art is sold, 75% of the sales price will be paid to the artist within 14 business days.

Artwork does not need to be for sale.

• If artwork is removed from the gallery due to sale before the closing of the show the

Artist may replace it. The replaced work must comply with the artwork requirements stated in this prospectus.


For questions  about the exhibit or photographing your art, please contact the Chairperson: Pamela Plummer:

For ques:ons about Jury submissions, please contact the Jury Chairperson: Gabriele Bitter:

Jury Process and Guidelines

Please read and follow the submission guidelines.  Submissions with unlabeled photos, wrong framing, etc. may be rejected.
Titles will not be changed after submission.  Please take your time when you submit your photos for jurying.  If you are having technical problems,  (can't upload photos or can't pay) contact

Jurying  at Wickenburg Art Center will be done by show.  All members may enter submissions for Wickenburg Art Center Gallery Shows via our  web site.   Jurors, who are WAC members,  will choose the best pieces to fit the monthly shows.  Photo specifications will be included in the prospectus for each gallery show. WAC will provide assistance to members, taking photos of work and assisting with entry of photos.

 What specifications must I use for my images?

Image requirements
No computer screen images or photos of photos.  Take a photo of the artwork you are submitting.

Image Dimensions:1400 pixels on the longest side. 
file format: JPEG, jpg, png
File Size: under 5 MB

How should I label the image I am submitting?

PLEASE Name your image with the title of your work.  Jurors need this information.  See examples at the bottom of this page.

Cowboy.jpg   NOT IMG_9982882.jpg

If you have multiple images,  cowboy1.jpg, cowboy2.jpg cowboy3.jpg

FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS:  Title,jpg or file type

 Example:  Snowbirds.jpg


A jurying fee is charged for entering each show and is non-refundable 
Payment for your entries will be done through our website.   When you upload your photos and submit them, you will go to the payment screen.  You may pay by credit card or PayPal.

When will I hear about my entry?

Accepted entries will be posted on this web page by the date noted in the prospectus. 

Due to space limitations in the main gallery, not all work can be accepted.  Some work may not be appropriate for the theme of the show.  If your work is not accepted, this is not a reflection on you.

Will I get feedback on my art entry?

We are not able to provide specific feedback on entries.  However, if your entry is not accepted due to technical issues (wrong naming, information not complete, photos don't represent your work well) you will be notified

What are jurors looking for when they evaluate my art?


PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THE JURY GUIDELINES. Jurors and Jury Chair and others volunteer their time to enable us to provide excellent shows. Please make their jobs easier by reading the instructions and providing complete information.


IMG 2544556.jpg. This is not labeled correctly

JadeStrings. jpg. This is correct. The Title of the piece is included in the image.


The Wickenburg Art Center is located just two blocks south of the downtown traffic signal at:
188 S. Tegner
Wickenburg, AZ 85390

Mailing address is:
P.O. Box 1737
Wickenburg, AZ 85358
(928) 684-0483

Gallery & Open Studio Hours

Tuesday through Friday | 9 AM to 2 PM
Saturday | 10 AM to 4 PM
Closed Sunday and Monday