Jury Process and Guidelines
Please read and follow the submission guidelines. Submissions with unlabeled photos, wrong framing, etc. may be rejected.
Titles will not be changed after submission. Please take your time when you submit your photos for jurying. If you are having technical problems, (can't upload photos or can't pay) contact wacwebmaster@icloud.com.
Jurying at Wickenburg Art Center will be done by show. All members may enter submissions for Wickenburg Art Center Gallery Shows via our web site. Jurors, who are WAC members, will choose the best pieces to fit the monthly shows. Due to space limitations in the main gallery, not all work can be accepted. Some work may not be appropriate for the theme of the show. If your work is not accepted, this is not a reflection on you.
Photo specifications will be included in the prospectus for each gallery show.
WAC will provide assistance to members, taking photos of work and assisting with entry of photos.
What specifications must I use for my images?
Image requirements
No computer screen images or photos of photos. Take a photo of the artwork you are submitting.
Image Dimensions: required to be 1400 pixels on the longest side, 1920 pixels are recommended
File format: JPEG, jpg, png File Size: under 5 MB
How should I label the image I am submitting?
PLEASE Name your image with the title of your work. Jurors need this information. See examples at the bottom of this page.
Cowboy.jpg NOT IMG_9982882.jpg
If you have multiple images, cowboy1.jpg, cowboy2.jpg cowboy3.jpg
FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS: Title,jpg or Title.pg. Title.JPEG
Example: Snowbirds.jpg
A jurying fee is charged for entering each show and is non-refundable
Payment for your entries will be done through our website. When you upload your photos and submit them, you will go to the payment screen. You may pay by credit card or PayPal.
Will I get feedback on my art entry?
We are not able to provide specific feedback on entries. However, if your entry is not accepted due to technical issues (wrong naming, information not complete, photos don't represent your work well) you will be notified.
What are jurors looking for when they evaluate my art?